Spot on Spot Welding

Cool class this evening with some cool people learning to weld in New York! I had a lot of fun teaching this class tonight and everyone was thrilled with the awesomeness of bowls they welded up, polished and sealed with clear lacquer. Check out the photos below!  Pure fun metal creation possibilities!

Jeremy and Richard father and son duo spending quality time together.  


Rachel and Dwight getting crafty tonight! Great work team! 


Dwight polishing his bowl with a die grinder and a mop wheel making it shiny! 


Ajon and Juquel rocked it. She ripped through her welding the fastest I have ever seen.


Richard and Jeremy understand the importance of learning Tom make new things with their hands!  


Juquel's bowl cake out awesome!  She is rockstar!


Thanks everyone for taking our class tonight! Send us pics of what you did with your bowls! 
